
Hello Everyone!

I'm Alyssa and welcome to my blog. I am 24 years old and in my spare time I very much enjoy updating the internet with what has been going on in my life, even though it's normally not that enthralling. I don't have one thing in particular that strikes my fancy over others (except maybe food) so there really is no 'theme' to this blog except just what I do on a daily basis. I have a lot of wonderful friends and family who you'll see mentioned in a few posts. I graduated from Georgian College 3 years ago with a diploma in "Marketing Communications", and worked for a local radio station for some time after that. I decided I wasn't happy with what that education was offering me, so I am currently dabbling in full-time studies at Trent University. I enjoy a lot of varied subjects but ultimately I hope to enter into grad school for either Ancient History or Psychology.

I enjoy a lot of things, especially the artsy-fartsy stuff and in no particular order, so I shall rhyme some things off really quickly. I love the Cold War Kids, Lana Del Rey, Ed Sheeran, Bastille, HAIM and many others. I used to be an avid aspiring photographer up until recently when I leant my good camera to my family and haven't seen it for quite some time. I also have an adorable little Pug named Arnie who is nearly 4 years old but he is the most handsome man I have every laid eyes on. Finally, my favourite food is anything that has lived in water at some point in it's life.

That's a little bit about me, so please look around and I'm always willing to making new friends from all walks of life so please feel free to comment or leave me a message!


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